Become Friends with other likeminded users and get to know other fans!
Once you become Friends you can check whether each other are logged in and make communication with particular users easier.
You can view your Friend list by going to the Main Menu > Friend/Party > Friend list.
Friends who are online will have a green circle displayed to the left of their User ID in your Friend list.
<How to Become Friends>
Approach a user you want to become Friends with and tap on the User ID displayed above their head. Then tap "Send Friend request" to send the request.
You can also go to the Main Menu > Friend/Party > Search users to search for the ID of the user you want to become Friends with.
Tap the plus icon corresponding to the user you're looking for to send the request.
Once both sides have accepted, you'll become Friends.
<How to Remove a Friend>
Visit the Main Menu > Friend/Party > Friend list, and tap the "..." icon to the right of the Friend you want to remove. Then tap "Unfriend" to remove them.
You do not need their approval to remove a friend.